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The Big-Bang Theory

This image represents the evolution of the Universe, starting with the Big Bang. The red arrow marks the flow of time. Credit: NASA

Over the past century, rooted in the theory of general relativity, cosmology has developed a very successful physical model of the universe: the big-bang model. Its construction followed different stages to incorporate nuclear processes, the understanding of the matter present in the universe, a description of the early universe and of the large scale structure. This model has been confronted to a variety of observations that allow one to reconstruct its expansion history, its thermal history and the structuration of matter. Hence, what we refer to as the big-bang model today is radically different from what one may have had in mind a century ago. This construction changed our vision of the universe, both on observable scales and for the universe as a whole. It offers in particular physical models for the origins of the atomic nuclei, of matter and of the large scale structure.

In a recent text (Jean-Philippe Uzan 2016) the author summarizes the main steps of the construction of the model, linking its main predictions to the observations that back them up. It also discusses its weaknesses, the open questions and problems, among which the need for a dark sector including dark matter and dark energy.



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