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Astrophysics collection (March 11, 2016)

Latest astrophysics news

Rotation curves of galaxies as a test of MOND?

Galaxies are rotating with such speed that the gravity generated by their observable matter could not possibly hold them together. In a recent paper (Haghi et al. 2016) the authors test the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND).   Read>>

A binary origin for a central compact object (CCO)?

Doroshenko et al. 2016 investigate the possible binary origin of the CCO XMMUJ173203.3-344518.   Read>>

Rapidly rotating pulsars as possible sources of fast radio bursts (FRB)

In a recent paper (Lyutikov et al. 2016) the authors discuss possible association of fast radio bursts (FRBs) with supergiant pulses emitted by young pulsars.   Read>>

Supernovae from WD-WD direct collisions

In recent years it was suggested that WD-WD direct collisions (probably extremely rare and occurring only in dense stellar clusters) provide an additional channel for supernova explosions.   Read>>

Telescopes Combine to Push Frontier on Galaxy Clusters

Hubblesite news.  Read>>

No correlation between Fermi GBM signal and GW150914.

The electromagnetic signal detected by Fermi GBM is likely unrelated to the BH merger detected by LIGO.  Read>>


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Image Credit: Eugenio Bianchi, Carlo Rovelli & Rocky Kolb. According to the standard theories of cosmology, there is no center of the universe. In a conventional explosion, material expand out from a central point and the instinct suggests that with the Big Bang happened something similar. But the Big Bang was not an explosion like that at all: it was an explosion of space, not an explosion in space . The Big Bang happened everywhere in the Universe.


Art by Moonrunner Design   At present there is no answer to this question. However I will try to list the hypothesys currently on the table with related issues.

New research looks at how ‘cosmic web’ of filaments alters star formation in galaxies

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